lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Evolución e Involución a escala Humana y Gatuna (Otro sueño montado en fibra óptica) O Un Gato de dos años frente al Nuevo Orden Mundial (Pt. 1)

Jamás he pretendido ser un sobre humano. Mi reflejo en el charco y las garras retráctiles que puedo manejar determinan que soy un felino. No estoy gordo, apenas tengo ganas de lavarme usando mi saliva. No lo haré. No lavaré mi cara hasta que pueda conseguir algo de comida. Tampoco soy un felino excepcional, hoy ya un pájaro se percató de mi presencia y escapó por el aire que solo puedo respirar. Mi corazón pequeño se acelera y no puedo pensar en otra cosa que no sea un bocadillo de carne para luego dormir y asearme: tengo hambre. Ayer mi cacería fue fructífera y siento aún en mis bigotes el sabor de esa ave que me pidió en vano no ser devorada, esa ave sintió mi olor a maldad solo unos microsegundos antes de ser alcanzada por mi afilada garra. La oí, justo en el momento que mis colmillos atravesaban su pecho emplumado y su olor a miedo mezclado con el de la resignación me invitaron a cortar y morder con aún más frenesí. Sin embargo hoy, desde temprano el frío ha acechado más afilado que yo, y hasta he pretendido salir a buscar comida en moradas humanas. Se que no soy alimento para humanos, aunque mi instinto me dice que en algún momento podría serlo, por lo que debo estar atento y temeroso ante esos gigantes bípedos que me ignoran al pasar, incluso debo permanecer silencioso y alerta ante esos bípedos humanos de menor tamaño y voz menos grave que desean regalarme una caricia gratis en el lomo.

Me siento y veo el aire, escucho el ruido y sigo alerta. Ya se que no soy gato de hogar humano y eso me hace estar en ventaja: ¿Acaso un gato gordo casero es capaz de saltar sobre una presa como lo haría yo? ¿Es el gato que espera su ración diaria en el sillón más ágil, sagaz o menos propenso a enfermedades o a esas dolorosas y dañinas inyecciones? No soy un gato rencoroso del humano, solo me río de él y de su falta de herramientas para sobrevivir en un medio ambiente para él hostil. Mis sentidos perciben ondas electromagnéticas que lo hacen más propenso a la depresión y menos propenso a la felicidad. El humano hoy solo vive para trabajar por unas migajas, mientras mis oídos logran escuchar la risa de sus patrones tras la puerta siempre cerrada, y aún peor: la gran puerta cerrada donde se fragua el futuro de cientos o miles de ellos que no saben que una de mis uñas puede atravesar sus venas yugulares si tan solo se me contrata por medio pejerrey. Pero sigo acá, tembloroso y temeroso de sus pies cubiertos por cuero y goma. El humano necesita piel y cuero que no le pertenece y juega con colores y texturas como lo hace el pavo real. Yo acá pequeño y hambriento solo necesito de mis patas acojinadas y mi pelaje desnudo y hermoso que me camuflan para obtener comida sin intercambiar dinero.

Mientras pienso esto, recuerdo que solo tengo dos años y he luchado por copular a una gata solo en dos ocasiones. He resultado herido pero esas heridas ya están cicatrizadas y por lo tanto ya no importan. He escuchado a humanos sufrir por heridas del pasado: ¡Que ridículos! Ojala pudiesen saber que el dolor anterior se pasa con tiempo aplicado y no por tiempo por aplicar; que cada señal de dolor los enferma y desgasta si no hacen algo por remediarlo. Ojala supieran que el odio en sus corazones no hace más que conspirar contra el templo que acoge sus almas y que no es más que sus cuerpos que debiesen percibir a la naturaleza toda tal como lo hace este tierno, inofensivo y hambriento gatito. Ojala despierten antes de la fecha que oí con mis oídos de gato: ese donde van a ser manejados como las ovejas a las que solo su lana blanca era capaz de salvar, o a los peces que son engordados solo para ser devorados.

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

The cause of the Earthquake in Chile is by influence of the gravitational fields of the bodies of the solar system

Translated by Sebastian Cabrera A. Original in spanish available:

In a GNU web-site (freeware) in Venezuela, we found published a study achieved by Higinio Alfredo Benítez Calzadilla, 26 years, expert in electricity, technician in communications networks, who nowadays culminates his career of Electrical Engineering, mention systems and automatic at Carabobo's University.

The investigation calls the attention from its first lines: “The cause of the Earthquake at Chile is by influence of the gravitational fields of the bodies of the solar system, particularly of the sun and the melting of the poles ”, so we decided to contact him.

Benítez relates that he studies the celestial phenomena and the movement of plates tectonics since 2002. He did it as lover of physics and the mathematician in his off-duty moments, however, says that today he does it with major seriousness and along to a team of work.

- On February 25 you realized that it would be able a quake in the south hemisphere of the Earth. What makes you to determine it?

- From 2002, by incidental matters, I oriented in the study of vectors gradients to calculate the center of mass of the celestial systems, from there I derived to the force that the planets, the sun and the moon exert on our Earth. About 2007, my calculations aimed a strong moderate earthquake in Chile but we did not have a date accurately. I have circumstantial evidences that since 2005, scientists of all the world wrote down a possible moderate earthquake in Nazca's tectonic plate. Slowly my interest was to make a computer model that model, simulate and predict the behavior of the Earth, But first I should have obtained the forces that intervene, from there we tried to determine the influence of the weight of the water on the tectonic plates because we note a hard thawing in the poles.
I made the conclusion on December 2009 that an earthquake could occur on the north of equator and the January 12 the earthquake of Haiti happened. That surprised me and I began to investigate more. Exactly, the day 25 early morning, I determined that it could tremble in the downside of Southern America. I remember I felt a bad presentiment and I went to bed to sleep without commenting nobody, the 26 commented it to my wife and some close friends, but I wanted to be more exact. And on 27 the earthquake at Chile ocured. Psychologically the magnitude of the seism affected me. And what induced me to that conclusion was the Earth's inclination, the tide of the Seas, and the influence of the gravitational fields of the sun, the moon and planets.

- If you take notice of the stars. What astral positions did we have on that date? And which were the celestial bodies of bigger influence in your calculation?

Principally I focused on the force of the sun and the moon, because these had the bigger influence that day, in addition to the waters that were doing pressure on Nazca's plate in the moment. And these were influenced principally by these gravitational fields (the sun and the moon).

But, additionally, there were some small alignments between Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn, but we must consider all the forces of all of the bodies of the solar system. Also we don't take that the planetary alignments as a straight line, we must take the curved space, this is a very complex issue.

- Your study starts from conditions that you call stable, but there is a pole (the arctic), much more thawed than the Antártica. According you, What hemisphere has worse consequences when is applied the gravitational force?

There I say that all body will itself in repose until a force perturb it, and from there we began in determining the forces that influence the seismic movements.

In connection with thaw of the north pole this alter the center of mass of our planet, besides that there is more water at the seas exercising bigger force in the tectonic plates, and this affects all the world.

- You request to the contribution of the scientific knowledge in order to predict these phenomena and to adjust the theory. Have you obtained answer?

Yes, what we want is to do this, the same way that the scientists deciphered the Human Genome, we want to make a model of all the forces that intervene in the behavior of the Earth, external or internal. It is a hard job but if everybody collaborates it can be done.

- Have you achieved support of another scientists' communities?

We have received a great support of many people around the world, but moral support. We have not had scientist's support or institutions of countries, neither of our own country. Neither of the official media, you are the first.

We needed support to have more adequate instruments. Also to make an instrument that will allow us to measure the force accumulated between the plates and its displacements.


1. The influence of the gravitational fields, specially of the sun and the thaw of the poles are interacting between themselves in a way the tectonic plates of earth destabilize .

2. When our solar system's bodies align with earth, the forces between the bodies are maximum and can destabilize the tectonic plates.

3. The gravity of the sun, along to the bodies of water are stronger than the force of the alignment of bodies of the solar system with our planet.

4. The bodies of water move on cyclic way due to the gravitational field of the SUN.

Brief explanation:

The Earth tilts in the trajectory of its orbit around the sun and that makes that one side is exposed to the sunlight and another side less exposed, this originates the seasons:

We notice this when in a season of the year it's hot and it is cold in other, this is clearer in the countries that are above the lines of the tropics. Being closer to the sun, makes that part of earth have a bigger influence of the gravity of the sun, and the tectonic plates lose stability. And besides the poles are thawing. Specifically the North Pole, which has released big bodies of water to the oceans and it will follow doing. This water is being attracted by the gravity of the sun, and when a great volume of water is over a plate, the weight makes they move.

Cycle of Graphic Way:

1. Stable conditions:

2.The North hemisphere moves away from the sun, product of the inclination of earth, and the bodies of water goes to the Southern hemisphere. In this process the Haiti's earthquake occurs.

3. The waters get to the Southern hemisphere of earth and they pose on the tectonic plates of this hemisphere.

Future conditions and culmination of the cycle:

1. Great Earthquake between the line of the tropics very close to the zone of the poles. Approximate date (Period March – April's endings)

2. Earthquake in the North hemisphere, close to the Tropic Of Cancer. Approximate date (June – September)

Explanation of the theory:

To be more accurate, it is necessary to consider the gravities of the rest of the bodies of the space and very pending with the planetary alignments in relation to earth.